Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Little Bits

It feels like things have been slow-going around here lately - we are all still fighting against winter coughs and colds and today my husband's extremely nasty ear infection has returned with a vengeance.
Not happy about this.
But he does get to stay home until he's better. This I like.
Yesterday my sister and I were suffering with a wee bout of food poisoning. Awesome. (not really).
But I did get to stay in bed and SLEEP (between toilet breaks) until 1pm thanks to Austin working from home on a Monday. For that I am very grateful and feel much better for it today.

I have been busy in the boy's room, moving furniture most days until I'm happy with it's 'flow'.
So they now have a reading corner using an old wooden pellet which they LOVE. With a lamp nearby it's also the perfect spot for bedtime stories.
My sister and I have chosen colours for the furniture in their room - at the moment it consists of many differently styled items. Painting them all up so they tie in with each other is the next project on my ever-growing TO DO list... a fun one though.

A crochet project or three are always on the go - slippers, a lampshade and a cushion cover are currently in the making. I must be turning into a bit of a nana because my idea of a good evening is tucking up with a blanket on the couch and doing my crochet. Sigh. I've changed.

I'm particularly enjoying Max's curly red hair at the moment. Every day is a crazy hair day. After his bath in the evenings he has a head FULL of ridiculously cute curls. Delicious wee man that he is.

The weather is still very cold and snowy, the perfect excuse to stay indoors. And crochet...

I'm loving being back in London and being so close to the river Thames (even though it's very dirty and disease-ridden it's still very 'London'). One of my favourite things to do is run along the tow-paths beside the river bank.
I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the day I can start up my running again since I've been sick.
I've got good feelings that this is the year of my ever-elusive marathon!
This would make me very happy.

Happy Tuesday everyone. Keep warm and healthy please!

B x

1 comment:

  1. Love what you are doing to the boys room! Love Max's curl xxx


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