Monday, 21 November 2011

This time 2 years ago

:: I was sitting on the couch coming to the realisation that these pains were indeed contractions even though they were happening 10 days earlier than expected.

:: My husband was out playing computer games with his friends for a 'Guys Night'.

:: I was starting to panic because my mother was somewhere in the air between Korea and London and would more than likely miss the birth of her grandchild. Again.

:: I was so much looking forward to finally meeting this little one who was going to be a brother or sister for Luca. Our second born.

Little did I know that in 6 hours time I would be holding our dear little Beniamino in my arms, feeling so overjoyed, elated, grateful, truly blessed to have given birth to another son.
So many dreams and possibilities for this little life flooded my mind as soon as we saw he was a boy.
What will he be like? What will he look like as he grows? What is he destined to become? How can I best guide, nurture and love this precious life?

Little did I know how much Beni-Boo would change our family dynamics, in such a wonderful way.

Little did I know how much joy and laughter he would bring to our lives, to our household.

Thank you God for blessing our lives and this family with Beni.
He is completely adorable and unique in every way and we love him so very much.

Happy Birthday my Beni-Boo.
You have made my world a more exciting and colourful place.
I love you to the moon and back again 20 billion times.

Love from,
Mamma X



  1. and BIKES.


    Happy birthday my most darlingest of Beni-Boos. Aunty Gretchie's got the world's biggest birthday squeezes coming your way!

  2. this is beautiful. big smiles from me. our little girl brings the same joy & love. happy birthday to your little guy. xo. ps: love your new blog look!

  3. And "yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy" songs. Oh my Beni Boo I'm sorry I'm missing your birthday, you are such a special little guy and I adore you!!! Have an awesome birthday, enjoy all the very special birthday treats that are coming your way, and are just for you!!! You are loved so very very much. All the cuddles in the world from Aunty T xxxxx

  4. Happy, happy birthday to our darling Beni!!! We love you to bits xxxx
    Mormor and Scrumpy xxx

  5. Wow! I can totally feel how much you love your little man, how much you know him and cherish every moment with him. Two years goes so fast! He is sooooo adorable. I just love his eyes!
    Happy Birthday to the wee little man!

  6. Happy birthday Beni! What a sweet post! Have a great fun day celebrating :)

  7. Happy Birthday Beni! Hope you enjoying or singing on skype and i hope you have a wonderful birthday! love you lots,
    Aunty Bubble xoxo

  8. Beautiful. Happy birthday Beni boy.


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