Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Brothers


Joining in with Wordless Wednesday here and here


  1. Gorgeous! Love the blue eyes :)

  2. I LOVE how these two absolutely DOTE on each other. So so sweet. And Luca has one giant-sized big brother's heart overflowing with love for his little brothers already - Beni and Massi are very lucky!! xxx

  3. beautiful as always. isn't weird to have seen a certain "two" for all this time and then there to be "new pairings" of siblings.? it had been so much mosby and jeb and now with mosby off at school its more jeb and mary mac.

  4. Max's eyes are so breathtaking. They draw your attention and you can't stop looking at them. All your boys are so beautiful. You are truly blessed with good breeding genes :)

  5. Let me just poke your eye out! They are adorable! Brotherly love.

  6. they are so sweet. love chubby hands. xo

  7. Ah ... so sweet and does this Mormor's heart proud xxx!


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