Sunday, 15 January 2012

Celebrating 40 Years!

My Dad & Mum celebrated 40 years of marriage today.
F.O.R.T.Y. Y.E.A.R.S.
That's, like, a long time!
And the best part is they are still oh so very much in love.

Look how cute they are.
Did you know I have the best parents in the world?
It's the truth and they inspire me more than I can ever say.
Over the years they have taken on giants in many shapes and forms and have come out the other side still smiling, still placing their hope and faith in God.
This amazes me and I am proud of them for their stickability.
They know God's blessing on their lives.
They know God's blessing on their marriage.
They know His faithfulness and will speak of His goodness at any given opportunity.

They know how to make any house/caravan/woolshed/shipping container a home.
They succeeded in raising five children in an environment of love and encouragement, with room for failure, learning from your mistakes and rejoicing when there is success.

I aspire to be as happy and in-love as they are at the 40 Years Married mark.
What a reason to celebrate!
They are true legends and I am so so proud of them.

I love you my dad and my mum - Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary! xoxo



  1. Definitely the best parents in the WORLD. I am hands-down the luckiest fourth child in the galaxy. Love you mum and dad. Thank you for being so flippin' amazing.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you darling. We're hands-down the luckiest parents to have incredible children like you (and the others as well of course!!!!). Love you and miss you xxxx

  2. For a lot of my twenties (and still quite a bit now) I wanted your parents. No that's not quite true, I wanted your family. You guys are AMAZING! The love and laughter you share is inspiring. You are all so proud of each other and tell each other that, all the time!

    It's not that my family isn't great, they are! But there's really something quite special about the Jacobsen Clan. And everyone who has ever met and spent time with ANY of you knows that.

    It is now my aspiration to try and create my own inspired Clan when the time comes. Your blogs help me understand it's not just a natural thing, that you work at it, but you come out the other side.

    Thanks for letting us in on your own, inspired by your parents, journey. XX

  3. Thank you our darling daughter - it is very humbling to read your words and it just makes us miss you all the more. We love you too xxx


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