Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The Danish Retreat

Austin and I celebrated 10 years of married life last week.
And to help celebrate we left the boys in the more-than-capable hands of my sister Gretchen and spent a three-day-weekend in Denmark with our wonderful Viking friends Martin and Jeanette and their two delicious children Frederick and Annemai. The bottomless cups of coffee and their amazing hospitality left us feeling truly welcome and at home. And rested.

Being in Denmark and staying in a little cottage on the edge of a forest made all my Scandinavian blood jump around with excitement. It all felt so right to be there.

On Saturday we went for a muddy walk in the forest. Oh how wonderful to get away from the traffic and noise of London and fill our lungs with the cold fresh air of the Danish countryside.

Jeanette made an amazing meal on Saturday evening, in honour of our 10 year anniversary and on Sunday they treated us to a brunch 'date' together in town. Like I said, amazing hospitality! I think we didn't stop eating - only to sleep - the whole time we were there. 
I was in heaven.

Our plan is to return, with our boys, for Christmas this year. I'm already looking forward to dancing around the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve!

These guys rock my world and I am so grateful to have them as dear friends and part of my life.
You know the kind of friends who encourage and inspire, and with whom honesty and laughter is effortless? That's what they are.
In a word "Awesome".

These were my first days away from Max so a lot of my time was spent expressing. And as wonderful as it was to be away, coming home again was just as wonderful (apart from last night when, during potty training, Beni managed to wander off when we weren't looking and did a poo on the carpet in his bedroom and Max grabbed a fistful and ate it. That was not so good...).
We missed our boys a lot and didn't complain {much} when they all wanted to be in our bed during our first night back.

And now, after a wonderful Christmas Holiday season and a weekend in Denmark it's back to reality and routine. School for Luca, work for Austin and being a Stay At Home Mamma for me. It's all good.

I'm feeling ready for 2012 now. So many plans and goals and dreams and desires for this year. So let's get started!



  1. Oh dear, I burst out laughing at the Max/Beni poo grossness. Ew.

    That aside - AMAZING photos of amazing Denmark with the AMAZING Martin and Jeanette. I LOVE them and their pixie littl'uns. I am coming with you to Denmark for Christmas. Just try and stop me. And I might have to steal that sleigh. And/or live there forever.

    Happy ten years. You two are more than amazing. Love you to bits xx

  2. that is so awesome that you got to get away!
    Congrats on the ten years! It is a wonderful feeling isn't it.
    And oh dear about the poo!

  3. What a wonderful break, and your photos do it justice...wow! Congrats on your ten years, fantastic achievement!

    Laughed somewhat nervously about the poo incident, we are doing toilet training too at the moment with Mr 2, I count myself lucky that Mr 5 wouldn't be inclined to eat said poo, and so far the undies have caught all the code brown incidents...

  4. oooh can't decide if to laugh or cry... the old potty training! hahaha.
    so happy for the 2 of you to get away and celebrate 10years! congratulations! so happy for you.

  5. Congratulations on ten wonderful years! My goodness your photos of your time away are to die for. They are amazing! Most definately makes me want to be there too! Had to laugh about the poo incident:) Very funny/not funny. Boys do gross things like that. When two of my boys were 4 and 2 (they shall remain nameless) they were play fighting and Mr 2 took a bite of Mr 4s diddle and drew blood! Very funny but not so at the time. I haven't told them that story yet not sure they would want to hear it!! Love you xxx

  6. what a wonderful way to celebrate 10 years. congratulations. the scenery is superb. gorgeous photos. it really does look very perfect. cheers to the next 10 brigitte. xo. ps: penny has also caught me unawares with poo on the carpet, although the eating part had my stomach churn. we haven't experienced that here. let's hope we never do!!

  7. Congratulations Boksers! I remember the wedding day (gorgeous of course) and it's so wonderful to see you guys stronger than ever with 3 boys to chase around.

    Your friends hospitality is incredible, as is Gretchen for managing your 3 boys on her own.

    Happy Anniversary.

  8. Well done you two!!!! We are so very proud of you! You have a wonderful commitment to each other as husband and wife and you are amazing parents to your wee boys. We love you all enormously xxx!
    My Scandinavian blood is tingling also ... it's like my heart is recognising it's roots. Absolutely gorgeous photos and what a blessing your friends are!
    Eww for the poos - but then I could tell a few stories as well. But I won't :o)!

  9. Congratulations Geets and Austio, wow that's gone fast! Seems like yesterday ... Laughed about the poo incident, ah Max. He'll eat anything eh. ;) And thank you Mum for keeping the poo stories to yourself, I suspect they'd be a wee bit traumatic, even 35-ish years later.


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