Tuesday, 17 January 2012

On a cold & frosty morning

We awoke to a wonderfully cold and frosty morning with a sunrise that took my breath away.
After dropping Luca off at school we headed out to Richmond Park - I had the intention of going for a run but only got through one and a half miles before Max lost the plot and could only be consoled by being held close to his sweaty mamma. 
So we stopped and walked on the crunchy white grass instead, letting little Beni-Boo stretch his legs.

I have been trying to capture the beautifully golden colour of Max's hair but the photos never do it justice, but I think these ones are the most accurate yet. I love his hair colour and can't wait until it grows into golden locks.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. i am feeling the cold but these photos are glorious. you have such magical sceneries where you live. beautiful. xo

  2. Loving the 'golden glow' of the nearly flowing locks!!! just beautiful!!! Just magic!! xxx

  3. Oooh!! Wee ginger baby!! ;) Love him xxxx

  4. I absolutely love these pictures!


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