Thursday, 16 February 2012

Clown Brothers

While I was out grocery shopping this morning my husband totally annihilated me in the 'super-cool' stakes.

When I walked in the door I was greeted by two boys with their faces painted.
Like clowns.
Although the paint was getting a bit 'worn' by then and they were looking more like The Joker...
But still, they were wearing their clown faces painted by papa proudly.
Even when he's home from work because he's ill he can do cool stuff with his sons. I'm impressed!

So why didn't I ever think of doing face painting with them?...

Dear little Beni-Boo.

It didn't take long for his seemingly constant dribble to start making the paint run around his mouth. 
And also from around his eyes from tears shed while being picked on/sat on/hit on by his older brother.

But even though there are tears there is also plenty of laughter.
And a whole lotta love.
Because they are brothers.


*Disclaimer: all photos in this post are taken by my husband who has proved, without a doubt, that he is - indeed - super cool.


  1. Wow, amazing shots! What a fun idea :) I think papas can see new, fun things more easily because we mamas are always home and sometimes miss the obvious because...well, just because :) I'm like that too!
    So glad to hear your passports got back to you so quickly!

  2. I LOVE my crazy theatrical huggable 'phews xx


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