Monday, 27 June 2011

Summer Happiness

Summer Sun
You are our friend
Oh how we love thee
When you are shining 
You make us oh so very HAPPY
We hope you will stay
For a while

Linking up with Life Made Lovely Monday


  1. How could the summer sun possibly refuse Maxi Moo after seeing how much he delighted basking his perfect little body in its delicious rays? I think the sun will now be here to stay x

  2. Nice, so nice Brigette. loving the thought of sun for you guys. bliss times amidst the busyness I'm sure! xx

  3. i love the way his body is posed...almost as if in the womb. sweet. :)

  4. oh my goodness. this is a precious pic. he is adorable :)

  5. Yes, love it. I agree with Changing Lanes - it almost looks like he is in the womb. Very precious. So want a cuddle xx!!!

  6. yay for summer. I live for summer. Its getting pretty coldy here in the Southern Hemisphere.
    What a lovely little man. Hope all is going well with the newbie in the mix. It completely changes the dynamic of the family going from two to three I found

  7. hooray for the happy SUN!
    and what a darling baby. xoxo

  8. What a gorgeous photo of Max! Can you hear the clucking from here? I want to smoosh him, he's delightful!


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