Friday, 15 July 2011

On the Home Front...

There have been many attempts to sit down and put a post together over the past week, but this obviously hasn't happened. I kind of get half way through editing my photos and I'm falling asleep at the computer or Max stirs asking for a feed...yet again. He's a hungry little dude since getting out of hospital where he was deprived of full feeds. Making up for lost time he is. Fair enough. Dear wee guy.

He lost a bit of weight in hospital, his cheeks had sunken a little, but I'm pleased to report he now sports a healthy fat covering once again.

He's such a sweet little man. 8 weeks of preciousness in a now 10lb package.

I love it that he loves loves loves the boobie. I'm still working around the logistics of demand feeding a newborn while still running a household and running around after two other little men with MASSIVE personalities.

But I feel like I'm getting there, not waking up dreading what the day may bring anymore so that's got to be a good thing!
And I think I'm even becoming a more 'relaxed' mother which I'm sure my children are appreciating...! Don't ask my how or why but I've just been noticing the past few days, even though I'm massively sleep deprived still, that I'm enjoying myself in my Mamma role. It doesn't feel too daunting or impossible anymore.

I know I've said it before, but Luca and Beni totally adore wee Max! They are continuing to be so very gentle with him, even when they think I'm not watching. It totally melts my heart.

Once again my eyes are drooping and my fingers are feeling heavy as I type.
Time to get this Mamma tucked up in bed. And I'm sure Max is going to wake soon cos *The Girls* are tingling.................. (don't think about him. don't think about him. don't think about him....)

Just thought I'd leave you with this last image. It's a goodie!


  1. It sounds like things are going great! Love a good chunky baby! And demand feeding with two other kids?!? Don't know how you do it! It was hard enough with one, can't imagine mixing in an older kid!

  2. Haha, co cute!!

    What a gorgeous baby, so good to hear he's gettn better!

  3. We so love the beautiful photos, especially the studies of wee Max ... and the last photo says it all xx!!

  4. eeek! nudey kid photo!
    from my experience (with a photo of Monte in a princess dress) i'd be really careful with that.

    just saying :) :)


  5. Great that you are back home, and into a nice home routine again. And wow that you can be feeling so 'relaxed' as a new mummy again after just 8 weeks. All your kids are so precious - that last pic is a keeper!

  6. "the girls are tingling"...I dont miss that feeling at all!
    Well done you...try and enjoy it as much as you can...I can't believe how fast that first year goes...but I made myself consciously enjoy it, and it worked


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