Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Around Home

This last week has been a week of 'home'.
My husband was forced to be at home from work because of a very nasty ear infection.
The rest of us, all still coughing and blowing our constantly running noses, were forced to stay indoors because of the very cooooold weather.

The only one who did get to venture out was Luca who started his first week in his new school.
It's a bit of a trek to get there, and I only had to suffer one day of dragging Luca along behind me because he was tired of walking before his new scooter arrived and saved my sanity.
I now struggle to keep up with him.
Whoever invented the scooter I love them immensely. Intensely.

And he loves his new school. Every day upon collection he has a big smile on his face, I get a big hug around my legs and then he happily tells me about his day - what he had for lunch, how nice the children and teachers are.
I'm so happy to get him back into a routine. He's a routine boy. He needs structure. So school is perfect for him.

There are still boxes to be unpacked from our move in December and furniture for storage to be acquired. Thankfully I have a friend called Ebay who always has lots of good deals for our perusal.

Little by little, we're getting there.

So when I wasn't doing the hour return journey for school twice a day or unpacking boxes, I managed to fit in some knitting and crochet (so homely I am!) using up some special yarn from Italy, all the while keeping the male-folk fed and bringing my sick man cups of hot lemon and honey.

To be honest I was quite envious of all the sleeping he got to do...
When I had the flu the week before I got one whole day in bed which was wonderful, but then when my husband got to spend the whole week in bed sleeping.... well it was hard to have tons of sympathy for him all the time. You know? Yeah just keeping it real peeps.
But I'm pleased to report he is back at work today, though still feeling a bit rough - he'll probably fall asleep at his desk by 1pm...!

I've been enjoying doing things a bit different with my bread making. My current favourite is braiding the bread which effectively becomes a 'pull-apart' and just yesterday made some croissant-style rolls. Delicious. Especially while still hot from the oven with butter and jam. Mmmmmhmmm!

But now, back to those last few boxes that I'm determined to see the bottom of.
Here's to a healthy week!



  1. AMAZING bread! For the croissants do you just use normal white bread for the recipe? Hope you're all feeling a whole lot better this week!

  2. oh that bread looks lovely. :)
    Boo that you are all sick still. I called in sick last week with the kids after I had a vomiting bug, I left the older one in charge while they spent most of the day watching tv. Not ideal, but there's not always someone to cover a mother sick day.

  3. Lovely pics and yummy croissants !!!



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