Monday, 16 January 2012

Thanks Modern Technology

Thanks to modern technology our boys are able to skype with their Grandparents on the other side of the world.

This is our Monday morning ritual - having a skype call with Granny & Pop in Dunedin, New Zealand.

Oh how we miss them. But being able to talk via the interweb is pretty crazy!
I am thankful we live in this day and age where being on the other side of the planet to the ones we love most is not so much of a heart-wrenching thing.
It's still heart-wrenching - don't get me wrong - but, thanks to skype, it's a more mild form of heart-wrenching.
So, thanks Modern Technology - you help make our Monday mornings in London lovely!


Linking up with Life Made Lovely Monday.


  1. I also love Skype! Very convenient! xx

  2. That is so great that they can skype! They are too cute!! LIttle boys <3

  3. it is pretty special isn't it. it is great you and the boys can keep in contact this way. lovely. xo.

  4. Skype rocks in our house...beaut pic too xx

  5. I COMPLETELY agree! We skype pretty much every morning here! And now the girls are so familiar with seeing my parents over in Auckland that they respond much more than family here who live 5 minutes away...crazy! I'm just so thankful for Skype, like you, I agree...just a little less heart-wrenching to be so far away. What a great way for you all to start off your week :) xx


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