Sunday, 5 February 2012

Around Home

Outside, winter has finally arrived. A week of sub-zero temperatures and a beautiful snowfall last night across the whole of the UK.
Inside, it's all about keeping warm and cosy. The central heating is cranking, cake tins are were filled with homemade cookies, cakes and a date, ginger & pecan nut slice {which are all not helping to make my bottom any smaller...} and continuously refilled cups of coffee are the perfect accompaniment for my crochet sessions sitting by the bay window in the lounge.

Although this is all very cosy and homely, my mind is constantly ticking over with all that needs to be done before our move to Italy.
Passport renewals and a first-time passport for Max have all been applied for, ready for our March 28th departure. Italian language courses that I've had sitting expectantly on our bookshelf for a number of years now are finally being looked at. I'm so used to relying on Austin's grasp of the language that I've been very slack in learning it properly myself. BAD Brigitte because I'm now going to have to communicate mostly on my own when Austin's working from London. But apparently the best way to learn is by being thrown in the deep end...!

Luca was given a Formula One racing outfit for Christmas by our good friends and he totally LOVES it, although he's on the larger side of the 3-5 year old size and it's therefore rather 'snug' around the vital areas in particular... His buns are very cute in it though ;)
He insists on wearing it everywhere. He's been to church in it twice now. Not the best attire for a wintery day..! I managed to convince him to put his PJ's on after his bath this evening instead of his extra-tight Formula One gettup. Funny wee guy.


Hoping you have all had a fun-filled weekend! 


  1. How exciting!!!!! So pleased you're able to now get passports underway. Everything at home looks so snug and warm and homely and inviting - you do this so well! Luca obviously loves his racing outfit and doesn't want to take it off - very delightful. Good to see Beni's tracksuit pants still have loads of length and wear in them :). Love you all and can't wait to see you all (and Gretchen!!) soon xxxxx.

  2. Viiiiiiiiiiivaaaaaaa ITAAAAAALIIIIIIIIAAAAAAA!!! Exciting. Things are on the move, and it's not Aslan (....Lady). GREAT that you've got the language course in action. I want to see Muzzi. 'IL GRAAAAANDE MUZZI'. I shall be quizzing the boys next time I see them. I missed seeing you this weekend, boo, the only downside of the snow.

  3. too cute.
    I love how perfectly cut your slice is!

  4. your photos are so perfect brigitte. i always love seeing them. the colours in these ones i love lots. i can agree with you on the bum thing. i have had to stop myself from baking for fear of fat bum explosion. i mentioned the other day to peter how i love baking, he responded with a "yes i know" and gave me a look. i just laughed. anyway, still completely envious of your move to italy. i can only imagine how exciting this must be for you. can't wait to see how your adventures unfold. enjoy!! xo.

  5. I always love you photos from around your home.
    Bottoms need to be big and comfy so we can sit more easy :)

    And I'm sure you will pick up Italian super fast - at least it has some familiar sounds and tones (unlike Mandarin). March 28th will come around quickly though! Gosh!! I'm sure you will be as prepared as you can be. I CANNOT wait to see your posts from there - envy is so not a pretty colour on me!

  6. Crazy to think that over there in blog land you are shivering in winter while we swelter in the summer heat! Italy sounds amazing and daunting all at the same time. I'm not sure how I would go in a country with a strange language?? I'm sure you have lots to look forward to and do.

  7. Love hearing about day to day life... you've inspired me to learn to crochet... now all I need is my Mum to come over (10 more sleeps) to show me the ropes!! Crochet hook and wool all purchased!! Can't wait for the next installment!!

  8. Your photos are gorgeous. I love the wintery sunlight on that gorgeous torquois ball of wool. And your son is adorable! I love how kids wear their passions all over their faces - and bodies, with their favourite costumes! x Fi

  9. I'm so excited for you all about your big move! Wow. I hope all the bits and pieces are getting into boxes, and all those papers for the passports are relatively breezy. I just printed out 48 pages of a Residence application form for Eti to become a NZ Resident. Agh! But...exciting steps for you! Your Italian home looks lovely. And I just wanted to say I love your photos too...your crochet squares and baking is rather inspiring xx

  10. Love the pic of the wee legs dangling over the edge of the bath! And I've gotta say, Beni looks a LOT like me in his photo (NOT the one of his legs dangling over the edge of the bath) ... lucky little fella! ;) Loving the too short and tight Formula One outfit too, Luca is well and truly rocking it!! Missing my boys .... !! xxx


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