Thursday 23 September 2010

Big Boy's Big Day

There were no tears from either of us. Just lots of big smiles from a very proud Big Boy and his mamma.

Luca's first day at 'school' {which is actually like a nursery or kindergarten as it is 9am-12pm, 5 days a week but they wear a uniform!}was something I have been anticipating with many mixed emotions, as I'm sure every other mother also experiences.

I have been looking forward to:
- Luca being able to get out of the small space that is our London flat, letting him run around and scream as much as he wants with other kids his own age and meeting new friends.
- seeing him in his new school uniform
{No confidence issues for this child}

- having quieter mornings at home
- having some special Mamma & Beni time

I have not been looking forward to:
- walking away and having to leave him at school because he is only 3 years old!!...

But hey, we are in England and this is how they do things here and - after all - he will come away with a very cute English accent.

Being Luca's first day of school I got to stay with him as part of a settling-in period, which was a good thing because we only just got back from our 2 week holiday in Italy in the early hours of this morning so we were all feeling a little fragile...

He was a little unsure at first so sat on my knee and gave me cuddles for a couple of minutes which was nice.
{I am needed!}
 ... until he saw the toy dinosaurs and then he was off!
And low and behold, guess who was one of the toy dinosaurs...
"Look Mamma, it's Aunty Gretchie!" {otherwise known as Luca's Party Entertainment}.
Oh how I chortled.

And so I passed the hours by proudly watching my little Big Boy make himself familiar at his new school. I love the way he quite often stands and stares at other children, sussing them out, watching how they do things.

I watched from a distance with a smile on my face as he took himself to the toilet, did the Big Boy Standing Up type of wees, pulled his undies and trousers up, washed soaped rinsed and dried his hands before heading out to play once more.

I watched from a distance, itching to be the teacher as she sat down with him at the computer and showed him how to use the mouse to draw pictures and paint.

I watched from a distance as he sat down with another teacher who helped him spread cream cheese on a biscuit and then place bits of dried fruit on it to create a face.

I watched from a distance, stifling a giggle, as he devoured that biscuit with much appreciation.

And all the while I kept thinking how blimmin CUTE my little Big Boy is!

And you know what? It made me see that, actually, we have done a great job thus far at raising this little guy.
He is well-mannered, sweet, loves to laugh, full of life, tender, thoughtful, imaginative, playful, creative, determined...

As much as I am looking forward to having a bit of 'space' in the mornings, I am also feeling rather saddened by the fact that my first born baby who I pushed out not that long ago is already starting school!

Another benefit I can see of Luca going to school in the mornings is that he came home today happy and exhausted, thus having a hearty lunch and a long afternoon nap.

I like. I like this a lot.


  1. Hi Brigitte I just found your blog and have become a follower. Luca is just adorable. My 4 year old is also obsessed about dinosaurs - I know what that's like ☺ Drop on by my blog at and say hi!
    J x

  2. Well at least Auntie Gretchie is there in the classroom with him!!
    Can't believe our little boy is at school!!
    We've missed his childhood ... sniff ...
    We are VERY proud of the way you and Austin have brought him up though. What a DELIGHTFUL wee boy he is. Love you all xx

  3. YES! Aunty Gretchie's influence is EVERYWHERE! (mwah-ah-ah) Ah, so proud of my big boy Luca, he's all grown up (*tear).

    P.S. If the school ever want a pterodactyl making a guest appearance, let me know.

  4. This brought a tear to my eye. I too have recently sent my big boy off to school (well, kindy) and I can totally relate to all your emotions. It really brought home to me as well that hubby and I are doing a pretty good job of raising him...I am both super proud of him and grateful to have some space, but also a bit lonely without his cute chatter in the background! Great post, TFS!


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