Tuesday 17 May 2011

The seventh day

Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments, thoughts and prayers from my last post. They are all so very much appreciated!

Well, nothing's changed.
Baby is still lying across my uterus - it must be very comfortable cos it sure isn't interested in changing position!

I'm mostly finished the crochet blanket now. I'd take a photo to show you but I'm currently hooked up to this

Daily monitoring of baby's heartbeat and it's currently pitter-pattering away happily. Always so lovely and reassuring to hear.

My lunch is waiting for me (and smelling surprisingly good) on the tray in front of me. Cruel really to do the daily monitoring at lunchtime. I have to stay hooked up for 30 minutes...

Austin and the boys came to visit yesterday and they had their dinner here. Needless to say my bed was covered with fried rice and pear by the time they were finished. But that's ok because I don't need to worry about washing the bedding AHA!! LOVING that aspect of hospital living!

They watched a DVD while they ate. ANYTHING to keep them still and not running through the ward of labouring women...!

I was presented with a pile of paintings the boys did for me which are now proudly displayed on the wall in my room along with the roses they gave me the other day.
I'm feeling the love!

Still missing being home dreadfully but I know baby and I are in the best place.

Two more sleeps until Granny & Pop arrive WAHOOOO!! It will be a massive relief once they get here as I know it's been hard-going for Austin doing the single parenting thing. He was so shattered and fed up when they visited yesterday. And I understand that feeling! That's usually how I feel by the time he gets home from work each night!! So he really did have my sympathy. And he's SUCH a great dad, I know the boys will be fed, bathed, read to, tickled, chased, bottoms wiped, noses blown, cuddled and kissed in my absence.

Once again Aunty Gretchie has come to the rescue though and is with the boys today while Austin gets things cleared at work so he can start taking paternity leave.

I do worry a little bit about Luca as he's been quite 'out of sorts' at school and at home, lashing out at school friends and at Beni, not taking turns and sharing (which he is normally very good at!) so this concerns me... I don't like to think my enforced hospital stay is making him sad and unsettled :(

So anyway that's the latest from me. Seven days down, seven to go - unless baby turns or contractions start before the deadline...

SURELY it's time to take this monitor off and I can eat my (now cold) lunch???

Thanks again for your love and care! I'm feeling it baby XO

- Posted thanks to modern technology via my iPhone


  1. I remember being hooked up to the monitor and I chose to have an epidural (I've had really bad cramps and I would get so ill) so I had to stay in bed while at the hospital. I was okay with that, I was comfy :) I need to blog about Z's birth story (that little wee babe had the cord wrapped around his neck...)

    I'm hoping Luca is back to his good 'ol self soon, I know it's hard for him not to have his mamma with him! He'll have so much fun with his Granny & Pop! Thinking of you lots and cannot wait to 'meet' this baby!!! xxxooo

  2. What a great daddy! And yay for not having to do the washing. Praying for a safe arrival :)

  3. Hey lovely hoping for a really positive time ahead. Prayers for you all, especially for your gorgeous boys to know Gods hand of peace on them despite mama not being home right now xx

  4. Poor Luca with the unsettled-ness. It will right itself in time, he is obviously working through this time of change in his own way. Prayers that he will feel more settled soon. Your husband sounds wonderful! Turn baby turn! xo

  5. Thinking of you and praying for you sweetie pie and so wish I could be there xx!!

  6. Prayers for you...hope you are doing well today! :)


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