Friday, 28 October 2011

Workin' it baby!

Whoever said that fleecy tiger-stripe trousers and knitted booties should never be worn together were probably right.
But in this case I beg to differ.
He's workin' it baby!
Go Max.

Booties were knitted by my nana so they're pretty special. And she would be super proud to see them being worn so stylishly by her Great Grandson.



  1. Nothing quite like knitted booties on baby feet xx. Nana would be very proud xx.

  2. love the booties! There are so many contrasts there and it's COOL :) Don't you love great/nanas/aunts/friends/etc who can knit beautiful things?! Hope you all had a fun market Saturday :)

  3. Oh how I love my wee Max!!!!! He is just so beautiful!! And totally working the tiger-fleecy-pants-booties-combo. Love. xxx

  4. awww...this is too sweet. love his tiger stripes & how cute are those booties. xo.


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