Thursday, 8 August 2013

Miles and Boys

Oh (mostly) happy day!
Probably one of the better ones since the school summer holidays started two weeks ago.
A day spent outdoors in the great wide open expanse that is Richmond Park - our local "go to" when we are feeling the need for country air, nature and space.

I know I've talked about Richmond Park on here a lot and it's where I do most of my running, but it really is fabulous! More often than not we spot the Queen's deer grazing nearby as we run or cycle past - always feels a little bit special seeing them and their rather intimidating antlers.

Today - according to my marathon training schedule - I needed to do 8 miles. But I had a problem in that I couldn't run in the evening (like I have been during the holidays) because both my husband and sister were going to be out which means the only time I could do it was during the day when I was looking after the three boys... Meh.

I majorly doubted that Luca would be able to handle cycling 8 miles on the dirt tracks plus the 6 miles to get to the park and back home again. So I formed a plan that consisted of snacks, snacks and more snacks (food is always the best form of bribery for our boys...).

So laden down with snacks and water bottles we cycled to the park where I locked up my bike and turned the bike trailer into a jogger/stroller and then hit the dirt tracks running while Luca continued to cycle beside me. A nice and easy cycle ride for him as I was in no way going at any quick pace pushing two boys in the buggy who I'm sure had rocks for breakfast...

First stop was a playground (and snacks), then the icecream shop and then the climbing trees. Unfortunately while at the climbing trees I had to deal with two lots of poos - one in nappies and one in undies (not mine...). Awesome. No time for sitting down reading a magazine or having a wee snooze in the shade of an Old English Oak tree like a lot of other people seemed to be doing today. That's just not possible with three active boys nipping at my heels. And pooing in their undies...

But it was well worth the effort. The boys had a great time and love climbing on Nature's Playground. Their confidence in climbing is nearly getting to the 'fearless' stage... might need to reign that in a little!...

And now - sleeeeeeeep to recharge for another busy day tomorrow.

Life is busy and a bit craycray at the moment - but I'm thankful for health, strength and fun times together as a family.

Happy Friday y'all!



  1. Love Beni's pose.
    Good work Mamma hefting those boys around the park. I just ran 10 miles into work, in the rain, on a coffee and a banana. I realised when I looked in the mirror at work that I looked a little bit cray-cray in my drenched gear, drenched hair, red eyes from waking up at 5 every morning and my hair rivalled Max's birdnest styles at the back of my head (perhaps why people were giving me side-long glances as i passed them). Only 14 tomorrow, huzzah! (Gretchen here, I can't sign into google, meh)

  2. Yes, love Beni's pose :)! Love it that the boys can enjoy such a wonderful park with trees to climb and grass to run through. So good xxx


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