Saturday, 14 January 2012

Happy Saturday

I am pleased to report that today has been one million times better than any day last week. Thank you so much to those of you who left comments following my wee breakdown yesterday. Thank you for your words of encouragement and also for pointing out I am not alone with all the up & down emotions of motherhood!
I'm pretty sure my now feeling of 'calm' is due to the fact it's the weekend and Austin is home. And also because today was a beautiful winter's day.

-2 degrees C outside (18.5 degrees C inside), we all bundled up in jackets, gloves and hats. Luca with his Christmas bike and helmet and Austin and I in our winter running gear (earwarmers and gloves included) we headed down to Richmond Park for what ended up being a 13km run. And Luca biked the whole way! He has taken to riding his Big Boy bike unaided like a fish to water and we've really got to run at a rather brisk pace in order to keep up with him! If we try to pass him he takes on the challenge and pumps his long little legs faster until he is once again in the lead. He's a competitive wee chap...
And did I tell you this is my fourth run this week pushing the buggy with two children in it? Oh, well it is and i'm feeling well chuffed with myself.

The playground at Kingston Gate was our half-way point and snack time where we consumed oranges and bananas like they are going out of fashion, then it was back home for hot showers and hot chocolate.

There's just something about getting outside with your family on a crisp clear winter's days that can't be beat.
Hope you've had a Happy Saturday also X



  1. Awesome!!! Glad things are feeling much better :) SO impressed with Luca on his big boy bike!!! Little legend!! :)
    Photos of runs in the park make me miss you very very much!! Well done on your four runs, keep that up, keep the endorphins flowing and that will help keep things looking up as well!!
    Love you xxxxx

  2. gosh your photos are always so lovely. what a great day in the park and the scenery looks superb! xo.

  3. lOVE the photos as usual! So happy you're feeling better! I'm headed home to Wisconsin on Wednesday morning with Z in tote :) Cannot wait for him to experience the snow... I even found a dairy-free/soy-free hot chocolate for him! I think he'll love it all... I cannot wait, I'm so giddy! xx

  4. Your photos are really great! Do you link up at Ashley Sisk's blog at all?


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